Animation & Gaming Film Graphic Design Illustration Music Theatre Writing Select Category

Arcade Diorama

Most of the assets I have modeled, UV unwrapped, and textured myself. The curvy ceiling structure piece was fun to build with a spline. And the arcade machines were of course my favorite to texture as I had fun coming up with their designs. This was also a great project for me to explore Unreal Engines post processing and lighting for my final renders. Some of the materials, like the tile and carpet, I did kit bash from Quixel Bridge with some slight modifications to their base colors to better fit the vibe of my scene. The birthday cake was from robfitzy on sketchfab and balloons were from assetfactory on sketchfab. Ventallation system was from Alexandr Lipin on Epic Games Marketplace and the pizza was from a food pack by Patchs on Epic Games Marketplace as well.


Artist : Katherine Cashman

Class : Environment Design I

Artstation: katmcash