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Spring Quarter 2025

March 31June 6

In conjunction with this quarterly class schedule, students should make use of their Academic Map and the University Catalog. The schedule posted online will be updated regularly to include textbooks, reading assignments prior to the first class, and any changes to the schedule. Please check the website regularly.
Last Updated: 3/7

Important Dates

April 7: Add/drop deadline May 16: Withdrawal deadline

Filter by Course ID/Title ?Type to search by course ID & Title. Will reset academic level & program filters. Can include special characters to trigger unique filters:
@ + instructor name
^ + room
e.g. "BUSI Marketing @Smith ^A/B"
Filter by Academic Level ?Filter courses by student year. Use in conjunction with the program filter.
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Monday 8:00–10:50 AM
155 K
ENTM136 Acting For Directors
Katelyn Slater

Required Books TBA

This class will approach the fundamentals of acting, structured for students outside the acting emphasis. Tools learned in class can be applied to directors, screenwriters, and storytellers of various genres.

Non-acting emphases interested in acting are encouraged to take this class, as Acting I is restricted to Acting Emphases.

Media Elective
Monday 9:30–10:55 AM
155 M
ARTS311 Visual Arts Career Strategies
Max Hulburt

Required Books TBA


This course explores the practical realities of living as a professional artist in a variety of work settings and across a range of creative areas with significant contributions from guest speakers. Students will analyze their strengths and weaknesses, set clear goals to work toward for the remainder of their degree program, and create an online, professional presence including a portfolio.

Visual Arts Core
Monday 9:30–10:55 AM
155 E
BUSI104 Principles of Accounting
Steve Eggers

Required Books TBA

This class meets twice a week. To find the correlating meeting, match up the Course ID.

This course provides the student with the fundamental understandings of how the accounting process is used to measure and report economic events to outside stakeholders. The course focuses on fundamental concepts, required financial statements, and key relationships. The course emphasizes the role of accounting in decision making by investors, creditors, and regulators. The primary objective of this class is that students will be able to demonstrate, at a basic level, an understanding of the knowledge and practice of the core business discipline of accounting.

BUSI212Managerial AccountingBUSI305Accounting II
Business Core
Monday 9:30–10:55 AM
155 A/B
HUMA234-1 Studies in Poetry
Stephen Kramp

Required Books TBA

This class meets twice a week. To find the correlating meeting, match up the Course ID and section number.

This course exposes students to the vast wealth of the English-language poetic tradition. Beginning with the micro-sagas, riddles and serenades that populate Old and Middle English verse, students advance to engage with major writers and works of intervening centuries before concluding with the more familiar speech—but also the bewildering disjunction—of the poetry of our modern era.

Humanities Core
Monday 12:30–3:30 PM
155 E
BUSI321 Building Brands
Joe Connolly

Required Books TBA

This course focuses on issues central to an enterprise’s long- and short-term competitive position. Students learn the importance of sound strategic thinking and apply this knowledge to classroom exercises.

Business Elective
Monday 12:30–3:20 PM
155 N
DIGM106 Fundamentals of Game Design
Joe Shoopack

Required Books TBA

Comprehensive introduction to basic tools and principles of Game Design including game systems, their components and interaction. Exploration into game analysis and game definitions. Opportunities to conceive an original idea and create a pitch to sell a game concept.

Game DevelopmentMedia Elective
Monday 12:30–3:20 PM
ENTM400 Design for the Screen: Adobe After Effects
Nate Sjogren

Required Books TBA

This course is an introduction to the creative process needed when designing and producing animation for the screen. Students will complete several projects designed to introduce them to the process necessary to take an idea from the conceptual phase, further develop and refine it, and then transform it into a tangible, animated element. Students will also further develop their understanding and use of Adobe After Effects, which is the primary tool of execution for this class.

ENTM212Intro to After EffectsDIGM215Photoshop & Illustrator
Graphic DesignPost-ProductionMedia Elective
Monday 12:30–3:20 PM
155 K
ENTM437 Musical Production I
Katelyn Slater, Robert Giracello

Required Books TBA

(for credit or audit)."Musical Production" should be used for registration (do not list the play's name). This is part 1 of a two course sequence that occurs in back-to-back quarters.
Acting Productions meet multiple times a week.
Important: successfully auditioning for a production does not result in automatic enrollment. To participate, students must also officially register for the class either during Registration Week (for credit) or with an Add/Drop Form

From first reading through to performance, students rehearse and perform a musical from a classic or contemporary writer. Students must audition to register for this class. This course may be taken multiple times for credit.

Must Audition
ActingMedia Elective
Monday 12:30–3:20 PM
155 L
HUMA320 Writing Short Fiction II
Stephen Kramp

Required Books TBA

Picking up where Writing Short Fiction I leaves off, this course affords advanced students additional instruction in the demanding art of short story writing.  The workshop model continues to serve discussions of original student work, and during other class discussions particular stress is laid on finer aspects of craft and sincere engagement with more recent masters of the form. 

HUMA220Writing Short Fiction I
Creative Writing
Monday 3:30–6:20 PM
155 M
COMM200 Business Communications
Christopher Lis

Required Books TBA

This course will teach students how to write and speak effectively in business and other communication.

In spring, students choose between two core classes: Business Communications or Advanced College Writing. In summer, students will take whatever course not yet completed.

University Core
Monday 3:30–6:20 PM
155 L
HUMA328-2 Genre Fiction
Megan Eccles

Required Books TBA

Students taking this course will write creatively in a variety of literary genres, including fantasy, science fiction, mystery, horror, romance, western, and/or historical fiction. Assignments will aim to improve students' ability to better understand these genres and to write publishable fiction in various modes, and further to better grasp universal components and principles of fiction writing that apply regardless of whether a story's horse has a saddle, fangs, mounted lasers, or wings.

ENTM101Story, Genre and Structure
Humanities Elective
Monday 3:30–4:55 PM
155 A/B
HUMA432-1 Cultural Foundations IV
Stephen Kramp

Required Books TBA

This class meets twice a week. To find the correlating meeting, match up the Course ID and section number.

The 20th century confronted Western civilization with a huge array of cultural movements, political crises, and technological breakthroughs. This course provides students with the historical grounding necessary for a serious reconnaissance into the recent past via its major cultural products. Some of these works have emerged over time as radiant masterworks, and others have proved to be but nightmarish visions. All, however, merit study and critical treatment, as they mark our previous century in all its alarm, acceleration and terrible beauty.

Humanities Core
Monday 3:30–6:20 PM
155 N
MUSC110 Scoring Lab
Robert Giracello

Required Books TBA

Students will participate in a small group providing musical scores and sound effects for movies, television and video games. Analysis of scoring techniques and practicum will be explored.

Media ElectiveHumanities Elective
Monday 3:30–4:55 PM
155 E
SCIN300-1 Science, Technology, & Culture
Derry Connolly

Required Books TBA

This course will familiarize students with fundamental scientific concepts and explore how the application of those concepts affects society and global economics. Topics include: the structure of the atom and its applications in biology and physics; circuits, Artificial Intelligence, and the Internet of Things; DNA, diseases, and vaccines. Each topic builds towards the question, "what does Catholic teaching tell us about how we as Christians live and participate in this rapidly changing world?" 

University Core
Monday 5:00–6:25 PM
155 E
SCIN300-2 Science, Technology, & Culture
Derry Connolly

Required Books TBA

This course will familiarize students with fundamental scientific concepts and explore how the application of those concepts affects society and global economics. Topics include: the structure of the atom and its applications in biology and physics; circuits, Artificial Intelligence, and the Internet of Things; DNA, diseases, and vaccines. Each topic builds towards the question, "what does Catholic teaching tell us about how we as Christians live and participate in this rapidly changing world?" 

University Core
Monday 6:30–9:20 PM
155 N
ENTM310 Advanced Editing Techniques
Melinda Simon

Required Books TBA

This class will build on the skills learned in Fundamentals of Post-Production. Students will analyze different editing styles and techniques for impact and effectiveness. They will apply these different approaches in various exercises relating to pacing, rhythm, emotion, montage and style, as well as the interplay of picture and sound. The application of proper media management and workflow will also be incorporated.

ENTM103Fundamentals of Post-Production
Post-ProductionMedia Elective
Monday 6:30–9:20 PM
155 L
HUMA328-1 Genre Fiction
Megan Eccles

Required Books TBA

Students taking this course will write creatively in a variety of literary genres, including fantasy, science fiction, mystery, horror, romance, western, and/or historical fiction. Assignments will aim to improve students' ability to better understand these genres and to write publishable fiction in various modes, and further to better grasp universal components and principles of fiction writing that apply regardless of whether a story's horse has a saddle, fangs, mounted lasers, or wings.

ENTM101Story, Genre and Structure
Humanities Elective
Tuesday 8:00–10:50 AM
155 K
ENTM335 Movement for the Actor
Katelyn Slater

Required Books TBA

This course is an exploration of stage movement based on work of masters such as Suzuki, Alexander, Feldenkrais, and Bogart. It may include physical character development, Kabuki theatre physical techniques, Noh theatre physical techniques and mask work.

ENTM131Introduction to Performing TechniquesENTM230Acting II: Acting and Text 
ActingMusical Theatre
Tuesday 9:30–10:55 AM
155 N
ARTS480 Animation Capstone II
Max Hulburt

Required Books TBA


Description TBA

AnimationGame Development
Tuesday 9:30–10:55 AM
155 M
HUMA111-1 Cultural Foundations I
Robin Murray

Required Books TBA

This class meets twice a week. To find the correlating meeting, match up the Course ID and section number.

As this course engages apparently timeless literary works from the classical tradition, it situates them within specific historical contexts. This approach enables students to come to both a greater appreciation of the enduring power of story, and a recognition of the relationship of works of art with their surrounding culture. Masterworks of pagan antiquity (Homer and/or Virgil) give way to key texts of early Christendom (Augustine, Beowulf, et al) in order to further illuminate the impact of Christian theology and anthropology on artists and thinkers in myriad disciplines.

University Core
Tuesday 12:30–3:20 PM
155 A/B
BUSI306 Corporate Finance
Christopher Lis

Required Books TBA

This course is structured to give students an intermediate understanding of advanced concepts, theories, and ideas in finance. Topics include: capital budgeting; capital structure analysis; costs of capital; dividend policies; mergers and acquisitions; international finance.

Business Elective
Tuesday 12:30–3:20 PM
155 E
ENTM102-2 Media Survey
Christopher Riley

Required Books TBA

This course introduces students to the diverse world of radio, television, news, cinema, internet, print and advertising. Students will learn how to critically experience such media and analyze its desired results. Students will also explore how media has developed and evolved through history and examine the current influences of media on society from a cultural, artistic and economic perspective. In addition, we will explore what the role of Christians in this new media environment can and should be, and how we can best utilize the opportunities available to us to become who we want to be.

Communications Media Core
Tuesday 12:30–3:20 PM
155 N
ENTM303 Directing II
Nathan Scoggins

Required Books TBA

In this production intensive class which builds on the directing fundamentals learned in Directing I, students will work together weekly to create short film subjects, dealing with spiritual and Christian subject matter, in an attempt to connect noble themes to photographed light. Students will be assigned weekly subjects and be expected to present them in class for feedback and analysis.

ENTM211Directing I
Post-ProductionProducingProductionMedia Elective
Tuesday 12:30–3:20 PM
155 A/B
ENTM322 Screenwriting Analysis & Study
George Simon

Required Books TBA

This course explores the craft of screenwriting through analyzing and studying successful screenplays in a wide variety of genres and styles. Students read excerpts from numerous masterworks of screenwriting and strive to craft writing samples that achieve artistic and technical excellence guided and inspired by what they have read.

ENTM101Story, Genre and Structure
ScreenwritingMedia Elective
Tuesday 12:30–3:20 PM
155 K
ENTM437 Musical Production I
Katelyn Slater Robert Giracello

Required Books TBA

(for credit or audit)."Musical Production" should be used for registration (do not list the play's name). This is part 1 of a two course sequence that occurs in back-to-back quarters.
Acting Productions meet multiple times a week.
Important: successfully auditioning for a production does not result in automatic enrollment. To participate, students must also officially register for the class either during Registration Week (for credit) or with an Add/Drop Form

From first reading through to performance, students rehearse and perform a musical from a classic or contemporary writer. Students must audition to register for this class. This course may be taken multiple times for credit.

Must Audition
ActingMedia Elective
Tuesday 12:30–1:55 PM
155 M
HUMA111-2 Cultural Foundations I
Robin Murray

Required Books TBA

This class meets twice a week. To find the correlating meeting, match up the Course ID and section number.

As this course engages apparently timeless literary works from the classical tradition, it situates them within specific historical contexts. This approach enables students to come to both a greater appreciation of the enduring power of story, and a recognition of the relationship of works of art with their surrounding culture. Masterworks of pagan antiquity (Homer and/or Virgil) give way to key texts of early Christendom (Augustine, Beowulf, et al) in order to further illuminate the impact of Christian theology and anthropology on artists and thinkers in myriad disciplines.

University Core
Tuesday 3:30–6:20 PM
155 E
BUSI393 Leadership and Management
Joe Connolly
Required Textbooks & Materials:
  1. Cal NewportDigital Minimalism
    Penguin Group, February 5, 2019978-0525536512Buy Now
  2. Spencer Johnson M.D., Ken BlanchardThe New One Minute Manager
    William Morrow, May 05, 2015 978-0062367549Buy Now
  3. Kenneth H. Blanchard Leadership and the One Minute Manager William Morrow, 2013978-0062309440Buy Now
  4. Pope John Paul IIOn Human Work (Laborem Exercens)
    USCCB Publishing, October 15, 1981 978-1555868253Buy NowAvailable as a free PDF from the Vatican website. You're welcome to purchase a physical copy

This course is an introductory-level course for students. Its intent is to give an in-depth understanding of the differences between—and similarities of—leadership and management. The course focuses on the major traits of leaders and managers, and augments these with examples of great historic leaders, including George Custer and Jesus Christ. The course also studies the many leadership traits of Abraham Lincoln and looks at how these can be applied in modern business to improve management techniques. As part of the learning process, students give summaries of Lincoln’s leadership lessons, using short, Power Point presentations.

University Core
Tuesday 3:30–6:20 PM
155 A/B
BUSI444 Strategic Marketing
Joe Szalkiewicz

Required Books TBA

In this senior level workshop, students will have the opportunity to develop key deliverables for a current client or prospective client of a local social media agency. The student will learn about the research, strategy, execution, promotion, and creative elements that make up a digital agency, or service-based business. The class will be structured around short lectures, supported by scheduled in-office training with the social media agency team to implement course material in service of an actual client or prospect. At the end of the course, students will have a solid understanding of how social media can communicate a brand’s story, and how to deliver this service in a viable way.

BUSI193Introduction to Marketing
Business Core
Tuesday 3:30–6:20 PM
155 E
ENTM208 Writing Short Form Cinema
Christopher Riley

Required Books TBA

Students will continue their study of screenwriting with a focus on writing narrative films under 40 minutes in length. They will screen and analyze multiple examples of short cinema to gain an understanding of the qualities possessed by the best examples of the form. They will write numerous short scripts with the goal of generating one or more short scripts of high quality that can be produced either inside or outside the university setting. Students will critique one another's work with instructor supervision and guidance. Considerable time will be required for students to write. Students will read and respond to the required texts.

ENTM101Story, Genre and StructureENTM105Writing and Pitching a Script
ScreenwritingMedia Elective
Tuesday 3:30–6:20 PM
155 N
ENTM492 Senior Project: Post-Production
Nathan Scoggins
Required Textbooks & Materials:
  1. No textbooks are required.

The senior project is a series of courses (up to three) in which students will work either individually or as part of a team and create or contribute to a significant media project that spotlights their area of emphasis. Class III is the post-production phase. Instructor approval is required to take this class.

Media Senior
Communications Media CoreMedia Elective
Tuesday 3:30–6:20 PM
155 L
PHIL313 Faith & Reason
Shalina Stilley

Required Books TBA

Can we ever be 100% certain that our beliefs are true? If so, what is the grounding for this certitude? Can reason prove everything we believe? What is the relationship between faith and reason, between theology and philosophy, and between religion and science? These and related questions will be explored in this class. Figures studied will include St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, JP II, Kierkegaard, and others. Special attention will be given to JP II’s encyclical Fides et Ratio.

Humanities Elective
Tuesday 6:30–9:20 PM
155 A/B
BUSI337 Real Estate Practices II
Jordan Friske

Required Books TBA

Application of the ideas learned in Real Estate Principles and the role of a salesman therein. Covers the listing, selling, and closing processes. Additional topics incluse financing, escrow, taxes, and devloping relationships withing the industry, etc.

Business Elective
Tuesday 6:30–9:20 PM
155 N
DIGM320 Environment Design I
Grant Hall

Required Books TBA

This class is designed to provide students with several opportunities to explore and research into environments and complementary object designs of various art styles, to promote the development of students’ individual art style.

DIGM313Hard Surface Modeling IDIGM212Texturing and Lighting I
AnimationGame Development
Tuesday 6:30–9:20 PM
155 E
ENTM423 Advanced Film Criticism
Nathan Scoggins

Required Books TBA

In this seminar-style class, students will use the fundamentals of film criticism to lead weekly 3 hour presentations (a lecture and an interactive discussion with peers) under the guidance of the instructor. Topics will include: genre, context of both the film and culture, director's background and intent, the process of making the film, and the cultural/critical response to and surrounding the film. The series of films will explore classic and contemporary works by some of mainstream cinema's successful outliers in an attempt to better understand: the principles of storytelling, the ways in which films become cultural artifacts, the filmmakers who make them, and the times in which they are made.

ENTM103Fundamentals of Post-ProductionENTM104Fundamentals of ProductionENTM207Film Criticism and the Art of Visual StorytellingENTM211Directing I
Media Elective
Wednesday 8:00–10:50 AM
ENTM135 Catholic Compassion Cultivation
Lee Eskey

Required Books TBA

This course requires an average of 20-30 minutes of formal and informal practices daily. Students should be willing and able to commit to this in order to benefit from the course, and to receive a passing grade.Additionally, students who have experienced significant trauma should consult the professor before registering.

This course is based on the Compassion Cultivation protocol developed at Stanford University, with insights and techniques from psychology, neuroscience, and contemplative practice and presented in a Catholic context. Dynamics of compassion explored are: fostering self-compassion, receiving compassion from others, and extending compassion to others. The course integrates evidence-based meditation and prayer techniques, interactive discussions, and lectures as well as real-world exercises to put learning into practice. Students commit to a daily meditative period to cultivate compassion.

This course is recommended for acting students.

Media Elective
Wednesday 8:00–10:50 AM
ENTM312 Advanced Writing Seminar I
Christopher Riley

Required Books TBA

This course provides advanced writing experience for students who have completed multiple scripts for the screen. Assignments will be individualized based on student experience, interest, and skill, and may include development and writing of feature film scripts, television episodes or pilots, short film scripts, and scripts for web-based distribution. Students may also rewrite existing works for which they've written earlier drafts. Students will read and lead discussions of numerous screenplays. Students will pitch their stories, and may be asked to pitch to students in other courses. Students will critique one another’s work in large and small groups, with instructor supervision and guidance. They will also develop a personalized career strategy as a writer for the screen. The knowledge, skills, and experience gained in this course will serve aspiring writers, writer-directors, and writer-producers for film, television, and new media. Considerable time will be required for students to write and develop scripts outside of class.

ENTM101Story, Genre and StructureENTM105Writing and Pitching a ScriptENTM200Fundamentals of Story DevelopmentENTM201Writing for the Screen IENTM202Writing for the Screen II
ScreenwritingMedia Elective
Wednesday 9:30–10:55 AM
155 E
BUSI104 Principles of Accounting
Steve Eggers

Required Books TBA

This class meets twice a week. To find the correlating meeting, match up the Course ID.

This course provides the student with the fundamental understandings of how the accounting process is used to measure and report economic events to outside stakeholders. The course focuses on fundamental concepts, required financial statements, and key relationships. The course emphasizes the role of accounting in decision making by investors, creditors, and regulators. The primary objective of this class is that students will be able to demonstrate, at a basic level, an understanding of the knowledge and practice of the core business discipline of accounting.

BUSI212Managerial AccountingBUSI305Accounting II
Business Core
Wednesday 9:30–10:55 AM
155 A/B
HUMA234-1 Studies in Poetry
Stephen Kramp

Required Books TBA

This class meets twice a week. To find the correlating meeting, match up the Course ID and section number.

This course exposes students to the vast wealth of the English-language poetic tradition. Beginning with the micro-sagas, riddles and serenades that populate Old and Middle English verse, students advance to engage with major writers and works of intervening centuries before concluding with the more familiar speech—but also the bewildering disjunction—of the poetry of our modern era.

Humanities Core
Wednesday 12:30–3:20 PM
155 L
ARTS483 Illustration Capstone II
Jacqueline Gold

Required Books TBA

Description TBA

Illustration Senior
Illustration Core
Wednesday 12:30–3:20 PM
155 M
ENTM323 Director Case Study
Eleazar Palma

Required Books TBA

Topic: Denis Villeneuve

This course explores the craft of filmmaking through an in-depth analysis of the work and career of prolific directors. Students will study the distinct visual styles, filmmaking philosophies, and career paths that have lead to commercial and critical success in the entertainment industry. 

ENTM101Story, Genre and Structure
ScreenwritingMedia Elective
Wednesday 12:30–3:20 PM
155 A/B
ENTM337 Business of Acting
Kathryn Smith-McGlynn

Required Books TBA

This course provides students with information on how to obtain work and succeed as a television, film, voice over, or stage actor. This course prepares students for the actor's journey, with emphasis on career tools (resumés, headshots, reels, self-tapes), strategies, audition techniques, industry terminology, and extensive information about casting, representation, and union membership.

Acting Senior

Business of Acting is the actor's version of Media Career Strategies.

Wednesday 12:30–3:20 PM
155 N
ENTM451 The Design Process
Cristina Weinheimer

Required Books TBA

A thorough breakdown of the process of creating from initial concepts to final design taught by professionals at one of the top design studios in San Diego.

Visual Arts Core
Wednesday 12:30–3:20 PM
155 E
HUMA430 Humanities Seminar
Stephen Kramp

Required Books TBA

Topic: Catholic Poet-Saints

This seminar course examines the cultural history and the cultural significance of important world literature. It asks students to study texts in the context of the period in which they were written as well as to consider them in relation to contemporary discussion and response. Although emphasis will be upon the primary texts in the seminar, students will undertake their own research projects that allow them to explore further the materials introduced and discussed in the seminar.

Humanities Elective
Wednesday 3:30–6:20 PM
155 L
ARTS223 Materials and Techniques
Jacqueline Gold

Required Books TBA

This course focuses on the traditional and materials techniques used to create hand-drawn illustrations and imagery. Graphite, charcoal, ink, watercolor, gouache, acrylic, and collage will be used to create projects rooted in originality. The assignments are intentionally experimental, allowing students to explore innovative solutions in image making. Form, structure, tone, light, shadow, texture and color, combined with different approaches to visual style, atmosphere and mood will be covered.

ARTS121Drawing in PerspectiveARTS122Observational DrawingARTS221Life Drawing I
IllustrationMedia Elective
Wednesday 3:30–6:20 PM
155 E
BUSI323 Human-Centered Design
Joe Connolly

Required Books TBA

In this course students learn the human-centered design process, which moves from concrete observations about people to abstract thinking then back to the concrete with tangible solutions that are desirable, feasible, and viable in today's global business environment. 

Business Elective
Wednesday 3:30–6:20 PM
155 K
ENTM142B Vocal Techniques II
Rebecca Zimmer-Huber

Required Books TBA

Enrolled students must schedule private vocal lessons with the instructor in addition to this meeting time.

A continuation of the skills developed in Vocal Techniques I, this course will provide the student with the opportunity to explore their natural singing voice and find their vocal identity through a variety of musical genres. Utilizing healthy vocal technique, students will develop and practice skills to enhance solo vocal performance. Topics may include but are not limited to: body alignment, releasing tension, onset/offset, breathing, resonance, focus of tone, registration, articulation, and expressivity. Students continue to work on sightsinging techniques, further developing aural skills and melodic and rhythmic dictation and working with sightsing material with shifting meters. Individual private training will have continued focus on each individual student's abilities as well as development of more refined and nuanced vocal skills needed for singing a variety of musical genres.

Musical Theatre Core
Wednesday 3:30–4:55 PM
155 A/B
HUMA432-1 Cultural Foundations IV
Stephen Kramp

Required Books TBA

This class meets twice a week. To find the correlating meeting, match up the Course ID and section number.

The 20th century confronted Western civilization with a huge array of cultural movements, political crises, and technological breakthroughs. This course provides students with the historical grounding necessary for a serious reconnaissance into the recent past via its major cultural products. Some of these works have emerged over time as radiant masterworks, and others have proved to be but nightmarish visions. All, however, merit study and critical treatment, as they mark our previous century in all its alarm, acceleration and terrible beauty.

Humanities Core
Wednesday 3:30–6:20 PM
155 M
PHIL101-1 Logic
Fr. Andy Younan

Required Books TBA

In this course students learn about the basic structures of sound reasoning, focusing largely on classic Aristotelian logic. The course serves to help students think and argue with clarity as well as to effectively analyze arguments of others. The course includes a careful analysis of the operations of the intellect, i.e., understanding, judgment, and reasoning, focusing on their products, i.e., term, proposition, and syllogism.

University Core
Wednesday 6:30–9:20 PM
DIGM405 Prop Design for Game
Carlos Vazquez

Required Books TBA

This course focus on teaching students the essential skills of designing props for animation. Students will learn about the role of props in storytelling, the principles of design, and the techniques for creating props that fit within different animation styles. Students will be guided through concept sketches, refinement, and color theory.

Business Elective
Wednesday 6:30–9:20 PM
155 A/B
FASH122 Basic Fashion Drawing
Elena Chirkova

Required Books TBA

Description TBA

Media Elective
Wednesday 6:30–9:20 PM
155 M
PHIL101-2 Logic
Fr. Andy Younan

Required Books TBA

In this course students learn about the basic structures of sound reasoning, focusing largely on classic Aristotelian logic. The course serves to help students think and argue with clarity as well as to effectively analyze arguments of others. The course includes a careful analysis of the operations of the intellect, i.e., understanding, judgment, and reasoning, focusing on their products, i.e., term, proposition, and syllogism.

University Core
Thursday 9:30–10:55 AM
155 M
HUMA111-1 Cultural Foundations I
Robin Murray

Required Books TBA

This class meets twice a week. To find the correlating meeting, match up the Course ID and section number.

As this course engages apparently timeless literary works from the classical tradition, it situates them within specific historical contexts. This approach enables students to come to both a greater appreciation of the enduring power of story, and a recognition of the relationship of works of art with their surrounding culture. Masterworks of pagan antiquity (Homer and/or Virgil) give way to key texts of early Christendom (Augustine, Beowulf, et al) in order to further illuminate the impact of Christian theology and anthropology on artists and thinkers in myriad disciplines.

University Core
Thursday 12:30–3:20 PM
155 D
ARTS122-1 Observational Drawing
Jacqueline Gold

Required Books TBA

This class is designed to help students develop drawing skills by translating what students observe about three-dimensional objects into lines and shapes on a two dimensional medium, while incorporating surface textures and varying line qualities into object and environment design concepts.

ARTS121Drawing in Perspective
AnimationGame DevelopmentGraphic DesignIllustrationMedia ElectiveHumanities Elective
Thursday 12:30–3:20 PM
155 E
BUSI422 Project Execution II
Gabriel Geagea

Required Books TBA

This course is designed for junior and senior entrepreneurial business students, and builds upon earlier courses in leadership, project management, and Project Execution I. The course’s intent is to show how to successfully visualize, plan, brief, execute, and debrief a more complex project involving the entire class. The center piece of the course is the actual execution of a three-day wilderness campout involving JPCatholic students as part of their overall academic experience. The course shows how management (represented by half students) can successfully plan and brief a project that is executed by other staff (represented by the other half), which in-turn demonstrates the importance of visualization, discussion, and tapping into the experience of others, as well as how to successfully debrief the team to learn valuable lessons. Consequently, the course gives valuable insight, since the division of duties mimics real-life project execution in the business world, where management and staff have different roles and responsibilities.

Business Core
Thursday 12:30–3:20 PM
155 A/B
ENTM215 Introduction to Mimetic Theory
Sam Sorich

Required Books TBA

This course offers an in-depth exploration of René Girard’s Mimetic Theory, providing a powerful framework for uncovering the hidden structures of human desire and violence in art, culture, and daily life. Students will examine how mimetic theory interprets the history of storytelling, from ancient myth and Greek tragedy to Shakespearean drama and the works of modern filmmakers such as Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick.

Media Elective
Thursday 12:30–3:20 PM
155 L
ENTM425 Feature Film: Pre-Production II
George Simon, Kaitlyn Krikorian

Required Books TBA

This builds upon the collaboration between students that begins in Feature Film: Pre-Production II. Students are invited to participate in various roles as the pre-production process progresses from creative development through scheduling, budgeting, casting, camera and lighting tests, scouting locations, storyboarding, and more.

Faculty Approval
Media Elective
Thursday 12:30–1:55 PM
155 M
HUMA111-2 Cultural Foundations I
Robin Murray

Required Books TBA

This class meets twice a week. To find the correlating meeting, match up the Course ID and section number.

As this course engages apparently timeless literary works from the classical tradition, it situates them within specific historical contexts. This approach enables students to come to both a greater appreciation of the enduring power of story, and a recognition of the relationship of works of art with their surrounding culture. Masterworks of pagan antiquity (Homer and/or Virgil) give way to key texts of early Christendom (Augustine, Beowulf, et al) in order to further illuminate the impact of Christian theology and anthropology on artists and thinkers in myriad disciplines.

University Core
Thursday 3:30–6:20 PM
155 D
ARTS122-2 Observational Drawing
Jacqueline Gold

Required Books TBA

This class is designed to help students develop drawing skills by translating what students observe about three-dimensional objects into lines and shapes on a two dimensional medium, while incorporating surface textures and varying line qualities into object and environment design concepts.

ARTS121Drawing in Perspective
AnimationGame DevelopmentGraphic DesignIllustrationMedia ElectiveHumanities Elective
Thursday 3:30–6:20 PM
155 N
ARTS482 Graphic Design Capstone II
Cristina Weinheimer

Required Books TBA

A continued senior-level graphic design capstone experience. This course builds on the previous and provides opportunities for more hands-on and practical design projects, interactions with local businesses and/or non-profit clients, and a focus on building out students’ creative portfolio and resume.

Graphic Design Core
Thursday 3:30–6:20 PM
155 A/B
ENTM307 Documentaries
Sam Sorich

Required Books TBA

In this course students will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively communicate an idea to an audience through the use of a documentary film. Students will view and analyze current and past documentaries and identify the idea, concept and structure that makes up the film. Students will create a documentary film that either records the present using behavioral or anthropological means, or recalls the past using historical or biographical elements, incorporating visuals, statements and interviews with verifiable truths.

ENTM101Story, Genre and StructureENTM104Fundamentals of Production
Post-ProuctionProductionMedia Elective
Thursday 3:30–6:20 PM
155 K
ENTM437 Musical Production I
Katelyn Slater, Robert Giracello

Required Books TBA

(for credit or audit). "Musical Production" should be used for registration (do not list the play's name). This is part 1 of a two course sequence that occurs in back-to-back quarters.
Important: successfully auditioning for a production does not result in automatic enrollment. To participate, students must also officially register for the class either during Registration Week (for credit) or with an Add/Drop Form

From first reading through to performance, students rehearse and perform a musical from a classic or contemporary writer. Students must audition to register for this class. This course may be taken multiple times for credit.

Must Audition
ActingMedia Elective
Thursday 3:30–6:20 PM
155 E
THEO313 Moral Theology & Ethics
Shalina Stilley

Required Books TBA

This course builds on prior courses covering the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Study of the Catechism will be completed through an in-depth analysis of the third pillar, namely, the section on Catholic morality.

Philosophy & TheologyNew Evangelization
Thursday 6:30–9:20 PM
155 A/B
BUSI434 Introduction to Applied Selling
Gabriel Geagea

Required Books TBA

In this course, students will continue their study of the Sales Process, engaging with real world "Sales" situations outside of the classroom, then analyzing the process in class.  Students will also engage in discussions with actual sales & business development professionals. Finally, students will explore how the Sales Process relates to developing a business plan in both a theoretical and applied approach by working with a local non-profit organization.

BUSI332Human Dynamics & Sales Methodology
Business Elective
Thursday 6:30–9:20 PM
155 N
DIGM321 Environment Design II
Grant Hall

Required Books TBA

This class will provide students with the opportunity to develop fully interactive game environment inside a game engine. Students will use basic first-person game controller to navigate inside an interactive game environment in order to validate their designs.

DIGM320Environment Design I
AnimationGame DevelopmentMedia Elective
Friday 8:00–10:50 AM
155 N
ARTS481 Game Development Capstone II
Rodney Figueroa

Required Books TBA

Description TBA

Game DevelopmentMedia Elective
Friday 8:00–10:50 AM
155 K
ENTM141A Dance Techniques I
Tonnie Sammartano

Required Books TBA

Students who have already taken Dance Techniques I will automatically be enrolled in Dance Techniques III

In this class we will focus on the development of contemporary dance as an expressive medium, with emphasis on developing technical skills at the Beginning level.  It is an opportunity to explore how the body moves in both functional and expressive ways. This course encourages you to think about the studio space as a laboratory – it’s a place to experiment, to explore new ways of moving. It's a place for observing and developing a physical listening. There will be written assignments, class discussions, a lot of dancing and a final collaborative project.

ActingMusical Theatre
Friday 8:00–10:50 AM
155 E
HUMA124 Advanced College Writing
Taylor Williams

Required Books TBA

Students conduct research on a primary text and write a lengthy paper, practicing revision and editing skills as they develop their original theses.  This class encourages a “close reading” of a primary text, requires students to build an annotated bibliography to evaluate secondary and tertiary source material, and introduces rhetorical concepts in the effort to help students become stronger readers and writers.

HUMA122 or Writing Proficiency Evaluation passed

In spring, students choose between two core classes: Business Communications or Advanced College Writing. In summer, students will take whatever course not yet completed.

University Core
Friday 12:30–3:20 PM
155 N
DIGM422 Virtual Production II
Max Hulburt

Required Books TBA

This course continues to build students' proficiency in motion picture production using real-time rendering in Unreal Engine through several group projects. Additional topics include motion capture, facial capture, and virtual camera tracking.

DIGM325Intro to Virtual Production
Media Elective
Friday 12:30–3:20 PM
ENTM329 Set Building & Prop Making
Kaitlyn Krikorian

Required Books TBA

Movie sets and props empower filmmakers to tell stories that take place in locations and environments that are either difficult to attain or simply do not exist in the real world. This course allows students the opportunity to collaborate within the art department to build sets and craft props for a feature film.

This class will require significant lab hours spent in the workshop outside of the scheduled class time.

Media Elective
Friday 12:30–3:20 PM
155 E
MUSC221 Electronic Composition I
Robert Giracello

Required Books TBA

This class is an exploration in modern electronic music, synthesizers, computer assisted rhythm, and production. Primarily demonstrated with third party software (ProTools and Ableton live), the student will produce electronic compositions and develop unique sonic environments. NOTE: Knowledge of musical fundamentals is helpful.

Media ElectiveHumanities Elective
Friday 12:30–3:20 PM
155 A/B
THEO322 Mystical Theology
Shalina Stilley

Required Books TBA

This class will explore selections from primary texts of some of the classics of Christian mysticism. Special attention will be given to the writings of St. Catherine of Siena, St. John of the Cross, and St. Teresa of Avila. Topics covered will include: prayer, friendship and union with God, stages in the spiritual life, charity, virtue, sin, dark nights, mystical experiences, and conversion.

Philosophy & TheologyNew Evangelization
Friday 3:30–6:20 PM
155 A/B
MUSC204 Music Theory II
Robert Giracello

Required Books TBA

Description TBA

Digital Music
Friday 3:30–6:20 PM
155 M
PHIL408-1 Philosophy of God
Fr. Andy Younan

Required Books TBA

This is a course in the various understandings of metaphysics, or the nature of being as being, beginning from Plato’s Timaeus, continuing through the Classical period by means of Aristotle, and the Middle Ages in St. Thomas Aquinas. The course continues by covering several related questions, beginning with Natural Theology (discussing the traditional proofs for the existence of God, the Divine Attributes that can be understood using reason alone, the analogy of being, and the act of creation), continuing with the “problem of evil” and the question of free will.

PHIL203Philosophy of NaturePHIL204Philosophy of Man 
University Core
Friday 5:00–7:50 PM
155 A/B
THEO315 Apologetics II
Matthew Gray

Required Books TBA

Description TBA

Philosophy & TheologyNew Evangelization
Friday 6:30–9:20 PM
155 M
PHIL408-2 Philosophy of God
Fr. Andy Younan

Required Books TBA

This is a course in the various understandings of metaphysics, or the nature of being as being, beginning from Plato’s Timaeus, continuing through the Classical period by means of Aristotle, and the Middle Ages in St. Thomas Aquinas. The course continues by covering several related questions, beginning with Natural Theology (discussing the traditional proofs for the existence of God, the Divine Attributes that can be understood using reason alone, the analogy of being, and the act of creation), continuing with the “problem of evil” and the question of free will.

PHIL203Philosophy of NaturePHIL204Philosophy of Man 
University Core
Saturday & More
Saturday 12:30–3:20 PM
BUSI472 Incubator I
Marc Burch

Required Books TBA

Follow-up to the LaunchPad sequence. Entrepreneurial students will receive mentorship as they continue to launch their company. Goal is to make meaningful progress toward the start or growth of their company.

Business Major Core

Please be advised that adjustments in scheduled meeting times and/or instructor assignments may be made at any time without prior notice.

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