General Education
At JPCatholic, we combine hands-on coursework in creative arts and business with a Catholic liberal arts education. All of our students take a core curriculum that is rooted in a rigorous study of Sacred Scripture, Catholic theology, and the philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas. You will also engage with great works of literature, art, and music throughout Western Civilization.
In addition, all of our students take a core set of classes in Communications, Math, and Science, along with a substantial sequence of courses in Business. These seven Business courses instill valuable skills in marketing, management, and entrepreneurial thinking, while also providing an easy path toward a Business minor.

General Education (Total 24 Courses)
Theology (5)
Christian Experience I (Personal Relationship)
Christian Experience II (Catholic Doctrine)
Christian Experience III (The Sacramental Life)
Christian Experience IV (Theology of the Body)
New Testament
Philosophy (4)
Philosophy of Nature
Philosophy of Man
Philosophy of God
Humanities (6)
College Writing I *
Culture Making and Aesthetics*
Advanced College Writing
Cultural Foundations I (The Classical Period)
Cultural Foundations II (The Middle Ages and the Renaissance)
Cultural Foundations III (The Enlightenment and Romanticism)
Global Cultures, History, and Politics
* Must take one of these two courses
Science and Mathematics (2)
Personal Finance & Success
Science, Technology, & Culture
Business (7)
Entrepreneurial Thinking
Introduction to Marketing
Building Blocks of Business
Negotiation Skills
Project Management
Leadership and Management
Business Communications
The General Education coursework is spread out throughout the education. We avoid completely front-loading the General Education, so that students have more time to develop their creative and technical skills in their field of study.