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Sci-Fi Corridor: A Trim-Sheet and Lighting Study

This assignment in Prof. Sartain's class was to create a sci-fi corridor using only Trim sheet textures. Grant modeled all the structural pieces in Maya, trying to make it as modular as possible; textured Trim sheets in Substance Painter; and compiled and set dressed in Unreal Engine 4. He then wanted to take the assignment further, so he imported some Unreal Marketplace and Megascan props and decals into the project and set dressed three difference scenes with varying levels of destruction. Then, in order to push his skills as a lighting artist, he devised three different lighting setups: the basic base level light, the darker semi-destroyed lighting setup (like a monster ran through it), and then a baked lighting setup using only emissive textures and 2 spotlights.


Artist : Grant hall

Class : Texturing and Lighting II

Artstation : Grantasourus