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Behind the Scenes of “Red Line“

Senior Film Project

Moments after departing from the Hollywood & Highland Metro Station, commuters on L.A.'s subway system experience a sudden explosion. Most passengers die on impact as the train is violently derailed and sent smashing into the tunnel's walls. In a small pocket deep underground the few survivors soon discover that the danger has just begun. Not only are they trapped between the collapsed tunnel and the twisted remains of the Metro, but the passengers also uncover a second bomb that has yet to detonate. As the timer counts down to certain death, the trapped survivors begin to suspect that the first bomb exploded prematurely - and that the terrorist has been trapped among them.

Created by the faculty and students at JPCatholic University in 2011, Red Line was developed to give the student body hands-on experience on an ambitious real-world project. The original script was written by student Tara Stone, and virtually the entire film was shot in the University's soundstage. Hiring cast and crew from within the industry, the University gave students a chance to work under professional department heads to learn the fundamentals of cinematography, set construction, makeup and costuming, editing, directing, and more.


Director & Writer : Robert Kirbyson

Writer: Tara Stone

Producer : Dominic Iocco

Producer: Christopher Riley

Producer: Nathan Scoggins

Editor: Catherine Kirbyson

Production Company: Yellow Line Studio