In this refreshingly original family comedy, an exasperated mother tries to keep her family afloat while her internet streaming husband ekes an existence creating “zombie survival” videos with their daughters. A couples therapist prescribes a technology-free getaway, which seems to be going well — until an actual zombie apocalypse intrudes on their family’s weekend.
Runtime: 76 minutes
Suggested rating: PG
Directed by
Written by
Produced by
Ticket Price: $20 | Attire: Semi-Formal
5:30pm | Check-in begins |
6:30pm | “The Future of Christ-Centered Entertainment”: Keynote by Prof. George Simon, Chair of Communications Media |
7:00pm | Film Screening: “Don’t Get Eaten” |
8:30pm | Invitation to become a Patron of the Arts |
9:00pm | Reception |