Join us online for a Faculty Q&A!

From screenwriters to 3d artists, entrepreneurs and CEOs, JPCatholic’s faculty hold an incredible amount of experience, and many of them still actively work in their field. Join us for a Q&A panel discussion via Zoom Conferencing to get to know them! You’ll get to hear more about their background, their insights and advice on their industry, and most importantly, answers to your own questions!

  • Each event is free, online, and will last 30 minutes.
  • Each Q&A discussion will be hosted by a professor and an admissions representative.
  • You won’t need to connect your audio or video; you’ll be able to ask your questions live via chat.
  • You can download Zoom Conferencing for free here.

Upcoming Events:

Max Hulburt, Chair of Visual Arts
Monday, October 28, 4:00-4:30pm PT

Max is a visual artist who specializes in 3D modeling and texturing with additional skills in rigging, lighting, animation, and rendering. He holds an MFA in Animation and VFX from the Academy of Art University, and his career in animation and motion graphics has included work for CBS Interactive (, Comic-Con, E3, and the San Francisco Giants. As chair of the Visual Arts programs at JPCatholic, Max mentors students through career discernment, networking, and portfolio development.

This Q&A will focus on career opportunities and strategies within Animation, Game Development, Graphic Design, and Illustration.

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