Support Student Scholarships

Founders' Fund

Our Founders Fund provides emergency aid for talented and mission-aligned students:
- It helps keep current students with emergencies enrolled.
- It helps us attract new students who have significant financial needs and can’t choose JPCatholic without additional financial support.

Annual Funding Need: $400,000
Give Now

Support Student Scholarships

Founders' Fund

Our Founders Fund provides emergency aid for talented and mission-aligned students:
- It helps keep current students with emergencies enrolled.
- It helps us attract new students who have significant financial needs and can’t choose JPCatholic without additional financial support.

Annual Funding Need: $400,000
Give Now
Since it was established, our Founders’ Fund has assisted over 300 talented students, enabling them to receive JPCatholic’s quality education and formation.
Sometimes our current students encounter unforeseen emergencies in their families that throw their education into jeopardy - including parental job loss, medical crises, and other unique situations. Without additional aid from the Founders’ Fund, they would not be able to finish their degree here.
The Founders’ Fund also supports incoming students who are highly talented but unable to fully afford JPCatholic even with their institutional aid. Your generosity enables us to close the gap and make their enrollment a possibility.
Graduation Photo

Make a Donation

We invite you to support the Founders’ Fund with a generous, one-time donation:
Legacy Level:


Founders' Circle:


Gold Level:


Advocate Level:


Silver Level:


Supporter Level:


Friend Level:


How to Give:

Personal Check
Personal Check

Please mail your personal check payable to JPCatholic:

John Paul the Great Catholic University
220 W. Grand Ave., Escondido, CA 92025

In the memo, please write Founders' Fund

Personal Check
Talk in Person

For more details on making a gift, please contact us:

Ken Sharrar

Mission Advancement Director

858-437-5402 |