In our Theology and Philosophy emphasis, you will integrate the diverse fields of the Humanities core curriculum by investigating the deepest, most important questions about human existence.
A particular focus of your study will be the relationship of faith and reason. Theology seeks understanding in the study of the revealed Word of God in history, which comes to human beings first in Israel and then in the person of Jesus Christ. In our program, you will take the articles of the Creed taught by the Church as its principles, and apply human reason assisted by grace to explore the mysteries of our Faith.
Philosophy, on the other hand, is the pursuit of wisdom, especially wisdom about the highest things, beginning in wonder and proceeding by way of reflection on what Socrates calls “the things that are.” This dual discipline will provide a solid foundation for further studies, a career in education, or simply a well-examined life.
Learn foundational skills in managing and leading teams, useful for any career or ministry.
Study the human condition by actively engaging in an exploration of art, literature, culture, politics, economics, and more.
Did you know? U.S. News & World Report ranked JPCatholic in 2025 as #3 for Best Value in Regional Colleges West (104 schools), and tied for #10 Overall, the second consecutive year that our ranking has risen in both categories! In addition, we are proud to have been consistently recommended on the Newman Guide list of faithfully Catholic colleges.
Both of these recognitions represent independent and external affirmation of the great value offered in the education and formation at JPCatholic.
Our campus is a place where students can grow both professionally and spiritually. We’re a unique community of artists and innovators, centered around our faith in Jesus Christ and the beauty of the Catholic faith. Immerse yourself in an abundance of opportunities for spiritual growth, including Daily Mass, Confession, Adoration, Rosary, Retreats, and Service Projects.
Learn MoreOur campus is a place where students can grow both professionally and spiritually. We’re a unique community of artists and innovators, centered around our faith in Jesus Christ and the beauty of the Catholic faith. Immerse yourself in an abundance of opportunities for spiritual growth, including Daily Mass, Confession, Adoration, Rosary, Retreats, and Service Projects.
Learn MoreWith a total student body under 300, JPCatholic offers a warm, tight-knit campus community. Foster lifelong friendships, form creative partnerships, and surround yourself with a supportive environment that encourages your growth in both virtue and artistic excellence.
See Student LifeWith a total student body under 300, JPCatholic offers a warm, tight-knit campus community. Foster lifelong friendships, form creative partnerships, and surround yourself with a supportive environment that encourages your growth in both virtue and artistic excellence.
See Student LifeAt JPCatholic, we’re committed to making a quality Catholic education affordable for every student. 99% of our students receive a scholarship, and packages take both need and merit into account. Our personalized financial counseling process assists you in identifying all awards you might be eligible for.
Learn MoreAt JPCatholic, we’re committed to making a quality Catholic education affordable for every student. 99% of our students receive a scholarship, and packages take both need and merit into account. Our personalized financial counseling process assists you in identifying all awards you might be eligible for.
Learn MoreOur unique academic model prepares students for the real-world pace of professional life in the industry, with a focus on hands-on projects, internships, and portfolio preparation. The program is structured on a year-round quarter system, and you graduate with your Bachelors Degree in just 12 quarters. Each quarter is 10 weeks long, with about 3 weeks of break between each quarter.
Learn MoreJohn Paul the Great Catholic University is centered in north county San Diego, just a 35-minute drive from downtown in America's Finest City. Southern California is famous for its fantastic weather, beautiful beaches and mountains, and bustling metropolitan areas. Our campus is just 15 miles from the beach, a short trip by car or train. And with Los Angeles and Hollywood within striking distance, students have even more opportunities for internships and networking.
Learn MoreOur dual-disciplined Theology & Philosophy program delves deep into the relationship between faith and reason. With a generous elective space to delve into our other humanities, business, media, and arts programs, this program prepares students for a variety of vocations such as:
Featured alumni working for the mission of the Church
Seminarian, St. Michael's Abbey
Now Frater Florian, Alec is currently undergoing seminarian formation with the Norbertines at St. Michael's Abbey in Orange County.
Radio Host of “Trending with Timmerie”, Relevant Radio
Timmerie is a pro-life advocate, Catholic speaker, and radio host. She is most well-known for her show “Trending with Timmerie” on Relevant Radio, which has a reach of nearly 30 million people.
Theology Teacher, JSerra Catholic High School
Mikaela teaches theology at JSerra Catholic High School, one of the most selective private schools in Orange County, with a strong reputation for academics, supportive community, and Catholic values.
President, St. Paul Institute
Devanie is President of the St. Paul Institute, living as a full-time missionary and lay consecrated. She oversees the organization's Catholic bookstore, as well as "Mary and Elizabeth", an apostolate she founded in 2022 dedicated to the interior renewal of women. They provide spiritual direction, vocational accompaniment, and retreats for women.
Coordinator of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, St. Thérèse of Carmel Church
John has eight years of professional youth ministry experience under his belt, having served at three parishes in San Diego County.
Our professors carry a rich academic background in theology and philosophy. With our small class sizes, you will be able to receive individualized mentorship as you pursue deeper scholarship in theology and philosophy. We take our responsibility as a Catholic university seriously, and all of our faculty commit to harmony with Church teaching.
Fr. Andy Younan, PhD
Professor of Philosophy
Steve Kramp
Professor of Theology and Humanities
Fr. Ankido Sipo, PhD
Professor of Theology
Shalina Stilley, PhD
Professor of Philosophy & Theology
Robin Murray, PhD
Adjunct Professor of Humanities
Fr. Simon Esshaki
Adjunct Professor of Communications
Theology & Philosophy Program Overview
John Paul II's Encyclical on Evangelization: Redemptoris Missio
Christian Experience: Theology Core Curriculum
Humanities Program Overview
Fr. Andy Younan, PhD | Faculty Insights
Dr. Shalina Stilley, PhD | Faculty Insights
Fr. Ankido Sipo | Faculty Insights
The Philosophy of Lord of the Rings: Capstone Seminar
Building Community: Households Overview
Theology & Philosophy Student
“I love every minute of my time here at JPCatholic. This school has taught me to escape my comfort zone and do things that I never thought I could accomplish. On top of that, I have been thrilled at the support that students and teachers have given me for the spiritual events I put on for the Campus Life Team. Whether it's through embarrassing myself at Swing Dance club, or altar serving at Holy Mass, the JPCatholic community compares to no other, having its roots in the virtues of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness.”
Theology & Philosophy Student
“As a Humanities major with an emphasis in Theology and Philosophy, studying at JPCatholic has been an answered prayer for me. From the Adoration chapel, and frequent and accessible Sacraments like Reconciliation, to classes on writings of Women Saints, and the Women's Bible Study Ministry that I lead, my time here has been full of blessings to enhance my commitment to our Catholic Faith.”
New Evangelization Student
“What I love most about being at JPCatholic is the fact that we have Humanities classes. Particularly the philosophy classes! I think that a really important thing for a university is that it finds value in offering humanities courses. Having classes in theology and philosophy required even for film/art students shows how much we believe that we need to be formed in these subjects in order to make the art we want to make and how to impact the culture in the best way that we can.”