Theology Students

Support our Students' Spiritual Formation

As a Catholic university recommended in the Newman Guide, JPCatholic is dedicated to creating a campus environment where students can grow in their relationship with Christ through Sacred Scripture and the Sacraments, rooted in the teachings of the Catholic Church.
A rich sacramental and prayer life is at the center of our students’ daily life, with the Eucharist being at the very core. Our Student Life team offers abundant events, ministries, retreats, spiritual direction, and daily access to the Sacraments, ensuring our students receive spiritual nourishment as they prepare to impact culture for Christ
If you feel called to support these efforts, we invite you to consider a monthly donation below.
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Spiritual Life at JPCatholic

By supporting these core areas of spiritual formation on campus, you are directly impacting our students' growth in faith, virtue, and community.
Campus Ministry

Campus Ministries

Our campus ministries include groups such as Lectio Divina, Praise & Worship, Women's Bible Study, Adoration, Households, as well as those focused on the Latin Mass and Eastern Catholic liturgies. Liturgical ministries such as Choir, Altar Servers, and Sacristans gives students an active involvement in Daily Mass on campus.

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Annual funding need: $25k

Retreats & Events

Weekend retreats throughout the year give students the chance to recharge and refocus on their spiritual life. These include the "Into the Deep" retreat each fall, men's and women's retreats, the Artist's Retreat, and silent retreats. Smaller events throughout the year include Theology on Tap, feast day festivals, 24-hour Adoration, and Religious Days where students can discern religious life with specific orders.

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Annual funding need: $25k

Priests & the Sacraments

JPCatholic is blessed with a vibrant group of priests and religious who serve our school on a regular basis, offering Daily Mass, daily confessions, and spiritual direction, and even teaching theology courses. These religious come from local parishes, Miles Christi, Benedictines, the Augustinians, and the Chaldean Diocese.

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Annual funding need: $70k

Total Annual Funding Need = $120k

Giving Level Monthly Gift # of Benefactors Needed
St. John Paul the Great $250 10
St. Joseph of Cupertino $100 25
St. Thomas Aquinas $50 50
St. Genesius $25 100

“The best part about JPCatholic is the true commitment to the Catholic Faith. Our faith affects everything we do here - our class discussions, our weekend events, our friendships, our decisions. Our school encourages us to choose Christ in every situation - and what could be better than that? Not only am I encountering him in my studies but most importantly his True Presence in the Mass every single day. What a privilege and a joy!”

–Mikaela Adams, Theology

“God is working hard at JPCatholic, and His extraordinary presence is recognizable through the loving actions and positive attitudes of the faculty and students."

–Luca Hoang, Business

“It was here that I made my faith my own, and not just something that I did because of my parents. I’ve learned how to think for myself and discover the truth. JPCatholic is a school with art and faith, two of the most important things in my life, and the school has helped me grow in both. It has helped me become who I want to be.”

–Mia Schaller, Illustration

“In today’s world, we have an over-saturation of content, with lots of this content directly going against our faith. It is more important than ever to create more content that will Impact the Culture for Christ. JPCatholic is forming the future storytellers who will express this theme in their work.”

–Robert Vance, Film

“JPCatholic is definitely a place like no other. The dynamic bonds forged through collaborative projects and the strong Catholic community is truly the launchpad for passionate creativity.”

–Keyana Harrod, Illustration

Become a Monthly Supporter

We invite you to support our student’ spiritual formation with a monthly donation:

St. John Paul the Great

St. John Paul the Great

$250 per month

Donate Now
St. Joseph of Cupertino

St. Joseph of Cupertino

$100 per month

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St. Thomas Aquinas

St. Thomas Aquinas

$50 per month

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St. Genesius

St. Genesius

$25 per month

Donate Now

If you prefer a one-time donation, click here.