Altar Server Ministry
The Altar Server Ministry strives to sanctify the Mass by assisting in this holy sacrifice. Recognizing that every Mass is a recreation of our Lord's sacrifice on Calvary, our mission is to respect Jesus in the blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist. Our primary mindset is first and foremost to serve God, as is appropriate regarding the First Commandment. After Mass concludes, we process with the priest, concealing Jesus, to the Adoration Chapel. We perform Benediction and ensure that at least one person remains to keep watch of our Lord, to later return and solemnly repose Jesus in Benediction.
Outside the Mass, we are a brotherhood. Our main outing transpires once a quarter as a treat for us all, that is to enjoy free food and drink from Cute Cakes. In this, we find joy in our ministry and connect it to God's loving message: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart… Thou shalt love Thy neighbour as thyself. - Matthew 22: 37, 39.
Student Leaders: Angelo Riodique & Owen Dampf
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