Improv Club
We are a group of artists and storytellers dedicated to creating shenanigans and are looking for more culprits. Our mission as the Improv Team is to foster community and fellowship through fun improvisational activities. In our weekly meetings, we also provide a good opportunity for students to be introduced to or further develop acting techniques taught within the school curriculum. Most of our exercises are comedic in nature and will progressively include dramatic pieces throughout the year.
Our rehearsal times change each quarter to work around school and work schedules for our team leaders and faculty advisor. We accept students of all majors and emphases. Auditions for our Varsity Team are held at the start of each quarter and are open to anyone regardless of previous experience, if any, on our team. Auditions are ongoing throughout the year for the Junior Varisty (JV) Team. Once someone has been admitted to the JV team, there will be no need to reaudition for it in subsequent quarters.
The varsity team is a group of 10- 12 individuals that stay for the full length of rehearsal and can commit to weekly meetings for the quarter. In the time spent, they work more closely with the team leaders and faculty advisor(s) in further developing their skills, culminating in a school wide performance in Week 8. Varisty members will also have the chance to take on mentorship roles to JV counterparts and assist team leaders later in the year.
Our junior varsity (JV) team has more flexibility, as we love working with them for the first part of rehearsal, after which point they are free to go. While JV members are encouraged but not required to commit to weekly meetings, they are expected to participate during their time in rehearsals and not simply observe. In the event that a varsity team member backs out of the commitment, a JV member may be asked to fill the role. They will also receive feedback from team leaders and have the chance to hone their talent and skill set for future auditions. Additionally, our JV members recieve backstage passes for our school wide performances.
We do advise that participants come to rehearsal prepared to move around the Soundstage space and be challenged in their performance techniques. If accommodations are needed (ie. limited mobility) please inform the team leader. We encourage all team members to have a specific goal in mind to improve upon (ie. physicality, character development, have more fun in life etc.). Have any questions? Track down the team leaders using your student email.
Club Leader: Donovan Bakin
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