Title IX, Sex Discrimination, and Sexual Violence

What is Title IX?

Title IX is a law, passed under the Education Amendments of 1972, which protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance.

JPCatholic, as a Catholic educational institution, takes seriously anti-discrimination provisions under federal and state law, and is committed to providing a learning and living environment that promotes student safety, personal integrity, civility and mutual respect.

In August of 2015, JPCatholic requested a religious exemption from certain provisions of Title IX, 34 C.F.R. Section 106.12. Federal regulations provide that provisions of Title IX do not apply to a Catholic university when application of Title IX would be inconsistent with Catholic tenets. Catholic universities are allowed to request an exemption from Title IX by identifying the provisions of Title IX that conflict with a specific tenet of the Catholic faith. JPCatholic requested all applicable exemptions.

In January of 2016, JPCatholic was granted an exemption from certain aspects of Title IX. This exemption comes from the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights. JPCatholic is now exempt from the provisions of Title IX to the extent that they prohibit discrimination based on gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy and parental status. This exemption applies to students in the areas of admissions, housing, counseling, marital status and employment.

California Equity in Higher Education Act Exemption: As a faith-based campus, JPCatholic is also exempted by the state from California from California Education Code 66270, to the extent the application of California Education Code 66270 is not consistent with Catholic tenets. This exemption may apply to, but is not limited to, requirements as expressed in University policies including admissions, counseling, marital status, student code of conduct, housing policies, mission statement and employment. We retain all rights afforded to us under federal law and the laws of the State of California.

Title IX covers sex discrimination by employees, students or third parties.

Trainings staff have attended:

What does sex discrimination include?

  • Unfavorable or unequal treatment because of a person's sex (or related concern, such as pregnancy)
  • Sexual harassment
  • Sexual assault or other forms of nonconsensual sexual conduct
  • Relationship, dating, or domestic violence
  • Stalking (if relationship-based)

How do you report sex discrimination?

JPCatholic has designated one employee who is responsible for coordinating the school's compliance with Title IX, the Title IX Coordinator. This person is:
Anna Velasco, VP of Human Resources, avelasco@jpcatholic.edu


You may contact the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights directly at:

403 Maryland Ave., SW
Washington, D.C.20202-1100
(202) 245-6800

Fax: (202) 245-6840
TDD: (877) 521-2172
Email: ocr@ed.gov
Web: http://www.ed.gov/ocr

Resources for complainants of sexual harassment or sexual violence

Initially, make sure you get to a place where you feel safe. Call somebody you trust. There is a National Sexual Assault hotline at (800) 656-HOPE; your call is anonymous and confidential. Seek medical attention as soon as possible if you have any injuries.

Confidential Resources

  • To meet with a priest on campus, check online here.
  • To meet with our professional mental health counselor on campus, contact Joseph Sleman directly at JSleman@jpcatholic.edu
  • To meet with a local resource center, contact Women’s Resource Center on their crisis number (760) 757-3500.
Nonconfidential Resources
  • File a criminal complaint with the Escondido Police located at 1163 Centre City Parkway, Escondido, CA 92026. Crisis number is 911; non-emergency number is (760) 839-4722
  • File a complaint with the Title IX Coordinator, Anna Velasco at avelasco@jpcatholic.edu, (858) 653-6740. Her office is located at 220 West Grand, Escondido, CA 92025.

What is your obligation as faculty/staff if you know about sex discrimination at JPCatholic?

For our purposes at JPCatholic, faculty and staff are required to report all incidents of sex discrimination, including the behaviors listed above, to the Title IX Coordinator within 24 hours of becoming aware of the incident. (Counselors, health care providers, and clergy are exempt from mandatory reporting.>