Households at JPCatholic
The challenge set before us Catholics is to bring Christ into the world by becoming Christ. This is at the heart of the mission here at John Paul the Great Catholic University and it is the reason why we have been encouraging, developing, and implementing “households” here on campus.
“Households” are a concept we borrowed from Franciscan University of Steubenville. They are student-led groups of men or women of the same sex who form spiritual bonds of friendship through a common mission and spiritual charism. Joining a household is optional, and interested students can often attend household events as a guest or intent.
Each household is held together by core commitments and devotions that help foster their own specific spirituality and mission. Their goal is to pursue holiness together by common prayer and fellowship, giving to them the experience of an intimate Christian community while here on campus. We believe that households are foundational for giving our students the encounter they need to be impacted by Christ before they go out to Impact Culture for Christ.

Brothers of the Fiat
In modeling Mary’s lifelong Fiat, brothers will strive to recognize and say “yes” to God’s holy will at every moment. Moreover, brothers will cultivate strong devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and consecrate themselves to her, in order to be more perfectly devoted to Christ. Lastly, brothers will build fraternity through encouraging one another’s growth in holiness.

In Corde Suo
In Corde Suo is an intentional community of women who desire to develop deeper intimacy with the Lord, specifically through the Holy Spirit and the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Together we aim to grow in charismatic spirituality, cultivate our feminine genius, and walk alongside each other in virtuous friendships. Our charisms include: Resurrection Joy, Docility, and Healing.

Lux Christi
“And that life was the light of the human race. The light that shines in the darkness… and the darkness has not overcome it.” (The Gospel of John 1:4-5) Just as the Apostles and the Blessed Mother were sent on the day of Pentecost, the Lux Christi women’s household seeks to set the world ablaze for Christ through fearlessly and unconditionally loving those around us. We pledge to engage in the spiritual battle for souls, but constantly hope and identify ourselves with the victory that is to come.

The Mariposas of Guadalupe
The Mariposas of Guadalupe strive to build a fellowship of girls through faith formation and active ministry. Our charisms include dedication to the pro-life ministry, faith formation through scripture reading, and active prayer. We gather in community for weekly “Coffee and Christ” Bible Studies as well as rosary hikes Sunday mornings.

The Siena Society
Be who God meant you to be, and you will set the world on fire.” Following these words of their patron, St. Catherine of Siena, the young women in The Siena Society strive to learn how to worship God and to serve Christ using their God-given gifts.
Interested in starting a new household?
Contact Director of Student Life, Isaac Kiedrowski: