Spiritual Events
The Spiritual Events Coordinator on the Campus Life Team leads the planning and preparation for a variety of spiritual events each quarter to provide opportunities for spiritual formation that encourage JPCatholic students to grow in fellowship as they pursue a relationship with Christ. Alongside these gatherings, ministry leaders are encouraged to host events specific to their ministry. Here's a peak at some of our past events, that you may just see again in the future!

Religious Days
Recognizing the beauty of religious life, JPCatholic students desired more exposure to those who have made the total donation of their lives to the Church. Therefore, the Student Life Team started to invite religious communities to visit our campus for a few days to share their charism with the students. By sharing the sacraments, spiritual direction and time of fellowship, this event is full of fruitful joy by experiencing the various gifts within the Church. We LOVE hosting our religious days!
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Theology on Tap
Theology on Tap is a trend in the Catholic world among young adult ministries. This event invites a guest speaker to attend a night with food and alcoholic beverages (mocktails for our under-aged guests), present a talk about a deep theological concept or a common community topic in a more casual setting that allows for conversation to continue after the talk is over.
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Feast Day Festivals
Whether it is celebrating our namesake, Pope St. John Paul II, or the heavenly souls on All Saints’ Day or our other patrons such as Our Lady of Guadelupe, St. Thomas Aquinas, etc... each quarter, JPCatholic celebrates a few feast days so we may rejoice with the Church for those who have entered eternal joy.

24-Hour Adoration
Honoring the first Friday devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, JPCatholic offers 24-hour Adoration the first Friday of every month. JPCatholic students sign up for an hour with Jesus, who in the Blessed Sacrament, is transported to the Latitude 33 complex and exposed in one of our common rooms. Ministries and households often sign up together to pray in community in addition to individual prayer time. This has been a long and favored tradition at JPCatholic.
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