Full-Time Employment
JPCatholic’s project-based degree programs and well-rounded core curriculum are forming students for a variety of careers. Our alumni have found success in a variety of paths, ranging from Hollywood to independent media organizations, and from large corporations to their own entrepreneurial start-ups.
See Alumni SuccessHow does JPCatholic prepare students?
The Career Services office works in tandem with the hands-on education at JPCatholic, providing you with a variety of services to help you achieve your career goals, including resume and cover letter development, interview training, and job search assistance. Our curriculum also integrates two courses specifically oriented toward a successful job search: Career Strategies and Portfolio Review.
Career Counseling Meetings
These one-on-one meetings are the cornerstone for providing you with individualized support in your job search. We encourage you to meet with Career Services throughout your time at JPCatholic, but especially in your Senior Year. Whether you are still exploring various career paths, fine-tuning your resume, or need to practice for an interview, you can easily set up an appointment in-person or via Zoom.
To schedule an appointment, email Ava Ludwig(aludwig@jpcatholic.edu)
Career Strategies Course
Career Strategies is a senior level course which is built into the curriculum for every student. There are two versions of the course, so that students can receive training most relevant to their career path:
BUSI418 Business Career Strategies
In this class, students will reflect on their future career goals. Specifically, they will: determine their ideal career goal and put a concrete career plan in place now to accomplish it; learn to network in the professional community that you want to join; create a professional resumé and an equivalent LinkedIn profile, where the student will connect with 100 professionals in their immediate field of interest; form a team of 4-6 students to arrange group meetings with professionals in a field relevant to the student group; get an internship that could transition into a part-time job prior to graduation and into a full-time job after graduation; reflect on their personal strengths and weaknesses; create a personal Plan for Success; and create a 30 second Elevator Pitch.
ENTM421 Media Career Strategies
This course shares some of the same fundamentals of Business Career Strategies. Students identify their specialized interest and value within the media industry, and through the creation of a comprehensive career strategy, use specialized knowledge, skills and experience to prepare themselves to be hired by media companies and promote themselves within the media industry. The class will also look at the unique world of freelancing and give students the tools necessary to venture into self-employment.
ENTM337 Business of Acting
This course provides students with information on how to obtain work and succeed as a television, film, voice over, or stage actor. This course prepares students for the actor's journey, with emphasis on career tools (resumés, headshots, reels, self-tapes), strategies, audition techniques, industry terminology, and extensive information about casting, representation, and union membership.
Portfolio Review Course
For students entering a creative field, your portfolio is probably the most important asset that you graduate with. Your degree program at JPCatholic is built with this in mind, and you will work on developing your portfolio starting in your freshman year. In your senior year, you will also take a required course called Portfolio Review to punctuate this portfolio preparation process.
DIGM492 Portfolio Review
This comprehensive studio class will allow students to produce and polish their portfolio content. Several in-class progress milestones, qualitative portfolio reviews by the industry professional guest speakers, and peer critiques will enhance students' experience, and provide maximum guidance to improving the overall quality of students' artwork.
What are the “Core4”?
In your Career Services meetings, you will be guided through best practices for strengthening these four key areas of your job applications, helping you put your best foot forward:

Create a clear and concise resume with keyword rich objective statement and formatting for ATS (automated tracking systems) resume filtering software.

Cover Letter
Showcase your “soft skills” with a strong summary statement and a clear request for an interview. What makes you unique or the right candidate for the position?

Interview Skills
Be prepared for fundamental interview questions. Present yourself professionally and follow through. Practice and be passionate about your skills and experience.

LinkedIn Profile
Optimize your online profile and make connections. Engage with the companies you like to work for and the industry professionals/groups that share your same interest.
Job Search Resources
Students and alumni are invited to join an exclusive Facebook Group where internship and employment opportunities are frequently shared. The Career Services office is proactive in seeking out relevant job postings, and companies also reach out to JPCatholic with job and internship opportunities.
In addition, please consider these public resources:
Alumni Support and Networking
The support doesn’t end once you graduate - the Career Services office is a resource available to all JPCatholic alumni. If you are looking for a new opportunity or seeking a career change, please set up an appointment with the Career Services office (in-person or over Zoom)
We also encourage alumni to join and actively participate in these two social media groups: