My Success Plan

My Success Plan, or MSP, is a Student Life program that supports all students at JPCatholic in three formation areas:

1. Academic
2. Social
3. Spiritual
3. Apostolic, or Mission.

Structure of MSPM

Students will meet for MSP in Quarters 1, 3, 6, and 12. Transfer students or students with high school college credit have a personalized MSP schedule, determined by their expected graduation date.

The meetings are organized through email and led in a one-on-one setting by a Student Life Director. Meetings generally take between 20-30 minutes. Students should read and follow the invitation’s instructions and arrive on time.

MSP Meeting Descriptions

Quarter 1 Meeting:

Share your background, interests, strengths, and needs with Student Life. We want to learn about you and ensure your time at JPCatholic is off to a great start.

Quarter 3 Meeting:

Develop goals in the Four Pillars of Formation and seek opportunities for accountability. We want your time in college to be intentional.

Quarter 6 Meeting:

Evaluate your overall success as a student. This provides important insights to overcome past difficulties and set new goals in the second half of your college experience.

Quarter 12 Meeting:

Reflect on your overall success in college and discern the plans you have after graduation. Talking through life after college provides a wealth of insights on how to move forward with personal and career goals.

Why MSP?

Student Life intentionally sets these MSP meetings as touchpoints for students to consider their college experience and maturely discern God’s will in their life. In addition, MSP is a reminder for students to connect with staff and faculty if there is some need or interest in any of the Four Pillars of Formation.

If you need support in or have questions about your overall success at JPCatholic, please fill out the Student Support Request Form and Student Life will get back to you soon after it is submitted.