Administration Quick Links

Leadership Team

The leadership team operates under shared governance which includes: the Board of Trustees; the President; the Academic Senate and the President's Cabinet.

The university presumes that faculty members are best qualified to chart the University's educational course, while administrators are most competent to direct its finances and organization. These domains, in practice are overlapping and interdependent. To function successfully together, faculty and administrators depend upon a high degree of dialog, collaboration, trust, mutual respect, and collegiality.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the fiduciary body who conducts the activities and affairs of the University. All corporate powers are exercised by or under their direction. The Board appoints the President of the University, who is the single administrative officer responsible to the Board. The Board reviews the President's performance. President Connolly is a member of the Board of Trustees.


The President is the chief executive officer of the institution, overseeing all operations and is responsible for setting future goals and directions for the university.The President serves as an ambassador for the university community. The President acts on behalf of the Board of Trustees, which delegates its authority to him. The President consults regularly with all of the university's constituencies. The President meets regularly with faculty, student and staff, and makes himself available to the JPCatholic community.

Academic Senate

The Academic Senate represents the faculty in the shared governance of the university, and is the primary policy-making body for a wide range of issues involving academic life. The senate is empowered to exercise direct control over academic matters of central importance to the University, and has advisory powers on all issues relating to the mission of the university. It is committed to enhancing the academic experiences of all students and faculty. The senate is the final faculty curricular authority for all graduate and undergraduate programs. Its members are all the full-time faculty of the university.

President's Cabinet

The President's Cabinet is the senior administrative structure within the University. They are the key administrators that manage all areas of the University, including academics, student life, operations and business initiatives. They are the key individuals on campus in carrying out the direction set for the University by the President.

President's Cabinet

  • Advances institutional communications, shared governance, participatory decision-making, understanding, cooperation and coordination;
  • Considers and makes recommendations on institutional policies, procedures and programmatic priorities of the University;
  • Manages projects and initiatives in support of the University's vision, mission and strategic plan;
  • Plans and participates in resource allocation decision-making;
  • Advises and assists the President regarding important decisions and urgent matters that impact the institution.


  • Derry Connolly, President
  • Kevin Meziere, Chief Financial Officer/Chief Operating Officer
  • Joe Connolly, Chief Academic Officer
  • Martin Harold, Executive VP of Advancement & Enrollment
  • Eleazar Palma, Dean of Students
  • Lidy Connolly, Vice President of Administration
  • Anna Velasco, Vice President of Human Resources

Operations Cabinet Members:

  • Derry Connolly, President
  • Kevin Meziere, Chief Financial Officer/Chief Operating Officer
  • Eleazar Palma, Dean of Students
  • Lidy Connolly, Vice President of Administration
  • Joe Houde, Vice President of Communications and Enrollment
  • Anna Velasco, Vice President of Human Resources
  • Dana Huffman, Director of Admission
  • Lisa Williams, Director of Financial Aid
  • Kaylie Manville, Registrar

Academic Governance Counsel Members:

  • Joe Connolly, Chief Academic Officer, Chair of Business
  • George Simon, Chair of Communications Media
  • Max Hulburt, Chair of Visual Arts
  • Program Chairs
  • Kaylie Manville, Registrar